
One Time Donation


Support for a Reliable Power Source

We recently have moved the children into the new facility and the government electrical source has become extremely unreliable.  We are investigating both generator and solar sources for power.  Conservative estimate of a $16,500 need immediately.  Exploring both grants and foundation help to meet this need.  All levels of donation helpful.

Continued Construction of Our New Site

This new site doubles our capacity for children in need of a home and more than doubles the number of children attending the school. Cost to complete and furnish the new orphanage is carefully controlled. Some unfinished areas are the keepers home/multi-purpose building/kitchen. If we can raise a generous sum (in the next few months) we will be able to complete the building and essentially complete the main construction portion of the new site. 

Monthly Operations

Currently we support the monthly operations of the children's home/school by sending funds each month. Our expenses will increase once we move the children so it would be great for an organization to come aboard on a monthly basis.

All donations to YJCF(US) are tax exempt and are used for the ongoing operations of YJCF(Haiti)