About Us

The Yahve-Jire Childrens's Foundation(US) was formed in 2013 to support the work of our sister foundation located in Port-au-Prince Haiti.  The foundation in Haiti (YJCF) is also named Yahve-Jire which means "God Provides" in Creole.  YJCF currently operates a school and a children's home serving some of the poorest and most at-risk children in the world. 

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere.  The Haitian people face hardships that most of the world would find unthinkable.  According to the World Bank (2010) the average yearly salary in Haiti is $700, 77% of the poplulation lives in poverty, only 51% of the poplulation has access to safe water, corruption and lack of employment opportunities have created a sense of hopelessness that seems impossible to combat but, into this darkness YJCF boldly marched 7 years ago.  Our mission is to provide hope to the children of Haiti.