Helping Haiti Help Themselves: Get Involved Now

3 ways to get involved with Yahve-Jire Children’s Foundation

YJCF is focused on helping Haiti help themselves. By the end of the year YJCF has the goal of raising $10,000 to place the Haitian orphans in schools and to ensure that the orphans have the proper care that they need.

We have compiled a list of 3 ways that you can get involved with Yahve-Jire Children’s Foundation:

  1. Create your own campaign

Just this year we have had Grove City College students that organized a pie fundraiser that raised over $500 for the organization. YJCF believes so deeply in our organization that we donate our own time to the organization. That’s right, there are zero administration costs which means that 100% of the donation goes toward helping Haitians help themselves.

  1. Donate

Giving to YJCF will make an impact in the life of Haitian orphans. From now until the new year we have an anonymous donor that will match any donation up to $500! In addition, YJCF is a 503C non-profit which means that all donations are tax deductible.

  1. Utilize Your Influence

You can make a positive influence without any money by sharing the YJCF story. This can be achieved by liking, commenting and sharing our posts on social media with you close friends. It is that simple.

We are making a positive impact with our mission of helping Haiti help themselves and we want the World to know and be a part of the good being done in Haiti.

Now that you know about 3 ways that you can get involved in Yahve-Jire Children’s Foundation, what are you going to do now?