Our Children

Belinda - 15

I was told that I came to Yave-Jire orpharns age when I was five, now I am 15 years old. YJCF educates me an teaches me the Gospel and gives me good life. After high school, I want to be a Medical Doctor. I have a great hope on earth and I hope to go to heaven to see Jesus. Thanks be to God and the sponsors.

Daphnee - 21

I think  God for the opportunity He gives me to be part of Yahve-Jire orphanage. He sent Dad Chedlin and Mom Sophie in my life to take care of me when my parents could not even feed me. They took me from a terrible slums and put me in a Paradis. Yahve-Jire orphanage educates me and help me understand the Gospel. After high school, I wanted to be a nurse. Thanks to the sponsors who love us ans send money for our needs.  

Deluxon - 12


Didley - 17

It is a pleasure for me to say that YJCF is everything for me. it is taking care of me every day so i can become something in my life. I want to thank Dad Chedlin and Mom Sophie, the staff and the sponsors for their help. May God bless and protect you. Thanks for the homes. 

Emmanuel - 15

I do not know my father, my mother could not continue to take care of me as a single mother of two boys, so he placed me at Yahve-Jire orphanage and struggles every day to save the life of my brother. I can say that I have a new family that represents my parents. Thanks a lot for education and all the good care I get every day. Thanks be to God and the sponsors. 

Henry - 9


Jackito - 14


Katiana - 15


Nehemie - 13


Richardson - 4


Rose-dorlie - 16

I came to YJCF when I was so little. My parents could not provide for my needs, I use to go hungry every day, but God has provided a wonderful home for me. Dad Chedlin and Mom Sophie take good care of me. It is a pleasure to say how I am happy. Glory to God.

Sarah - 11


Stevenson - 12


Udson - 4


Widleyson - 15

My brother Widonsley and I were leaving in the streets of Port-au-Prince, my Daddy could not take care of us, so we had to go to the streets to beg in order to survive every day. In January 12th 2010 we almost died because life were terrible in the streets. God guided my father to the social department who brought us to YJCF. Oh it was a great relief for us! I could have died buy God had a plan for me. 

Widonslay - 12


Wildwige - 21

I am completely orphan, my brother Wildy could not provide for my needs, so he decidedto bring me to Yahve-Jire orphanage after the earthquake. I am Happy to be part of this wonderful family and to be in this beautiful dormitories. Thanks God for love and future he provided for me through Mom Sophie and Dad Chedlin. Thanks to YJCF for sending money for my needs. 

Wilky - 16

My mother died when I was so little, My father brought me to Yahve-Jire orphanage, because he could not take care of me, my brothers and sisters. Yahve-Jire orphanage is like a family to me. Its shows me the true path which is the Gospel and school which is the way to the success in life. Sometimes I wonder how my life would be if I was not at YJCF.

Winsky - 17


Yvanov - 10


Yverlouna - 10


Zikensly - 10